Monday, February 25, 2008

American Beauties

I fell asleep exhausted last night after having had several American beauties. Now before your imagination runs riot, it's a cranberry based cocktail. It tastes delicious but it knocked me out and I woke up at 4am with a thumping headache. The punishment for over indulging in the sweetness. It was however opportune that I was awake, as I got a phone call from a London based distributor who I had met through a Facebook friend at the BAFTA's. I followed the meeting up with some images and a synopsis of the story of Making It In Hollywood, after I had found his card in my jacket pocket when I arrived here in Hollywood. They want to meet me on Wednesday on my return and would consider investing, co-producing and distribution. Even if it doesn't go ahead with them, it's a fine and fitting ending to the journey of the last year.

The other American beauties on this blog are Cheryl Hancock and Diane Sawyer, who are well known TV presenters over here.

For a full run down of the Oscar winners, click here.

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